Though Kestrel has reached the point of usefulness for various research applications, it remains under active development as we grow its feature base and fix issues when they arise. We welcome contributions from anyone that would like to help.
Here are some suggested ways you can contribute to improving Kestrel:
Report a bug or make suggestions / feature requests, by posting them on our issue tracker.
Fix an open issue and create a pull request so that it can be reviewed and integrated into the main code branch. This includes suggesting changes to the documentation, or adding example simulation scripts.
Add new features to the code, if you need them, and share your improvements via github. The easiest kinds of features to add are new model closures for drag/friction and morphodynamics, since relatively little development is required to augment Kestrel in this way. If you need some guidance to get started on working with the code, open an issue or use the contact info below.
Write a research paper that uses Kestrel and share your data openly (including your input files, so the simulations can be reproduced).
Kestrel is developed and maintained by Mark J. Woodhouse ( and Jake Langham (, University of Bristol.